Additional Information

| Chatham Grammar

to the academy is made, and/or where the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage). 4. Nearness of children’s homes. For full definitions of the criteria above, please see the comprehensive Admissions Policy on the CG website or on Medway Council’s website. An open evening and morning, plus live tours are normally held in the Autumn term for parents/carers of prospective students to view the academy and speak to staff and students. All unsuccessful applicants will be invited to remain on the waiting list pending a vacancy and will be informed of their right to appeal. If you have any questions or would like any further information about our Admissions at Chatham Grammar, please contact the Admissions Manager by email admissionscg@ or via telephone 01634 851262. Transition from Primary School to the Academy We believe that primary and secondary schools, where possible, should work in unison and we have developed a number of key initiatives and partnership projects.

of response in return for parental commitment. Parents, carers and the academy are expected to sign this agreement on entry in Year 7 as a commitment to one another to work in partnership. Regular academy news stories and updates are available via our electronic newsletter that is also available on our website and via social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, to ensure our parents and carers and students are in touch with the life and work of the academy.

The UKAT Partnership Development Programme includes online Medway Test webinars for Year 5 students. Dynamic outreach programme with a number of local primary schools for Year 4/5/6 students. We offer a rich menu of workshops and events including careers, mindfulness, Arts and Science projects, all supported by our Lead Sponsor the University of Kent. Parents, carers and students are also invited to a new entrants’ evening which normally takes place in July where staff are available to provide parents and carers with up to date information in preparation for their child’s start the following September. Home–Academy Partnership We work very closely with parents and carers to ensure our students gain maximum benefits from their time at the academy. It is vital to have open and purposeful dialogue with parents and carers – not only through formal consultation but also through telephone contact, regular evening meetings, focus groups, email and by conducting surveys with our parent/carer community. We have a Home–Academy Agreement in which we offer a quality standard


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