Additional Information
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) Students that have significant special educational needs or disabilities may be entitled to an Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), previously known as a Statement of Special Educational Needs. The Local Authority is responsible for deciding who is eligible for EHCP’s, based on applicant’s needs. Contact the SENDCO. Students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Student needs, as described in the EHCP, will be addressed from the delegated budget, and will generally take the form of either ‘in class’ support or access to external support with either a teaching assistant, specific teacher or an individual tutor. A Pupil Centred Annual Review (PCAR) will be held to consider a student’s progress linked to the outcomes in the EHCP, what has worked well, what hasn't and if so, what needs to change to meet the outcomes. The AR will consider with the student, their parents/carers and the SENDCO if the outcomes have been met, if new outcomes are needed to meet the continuing need, review the personal budget (if there is one) and allow parents/ carers or the student to request changes to the EHCP.
Sports clubs and fixtures are extensive at the academy and we have many high performing students participating in sports competitions across Kent and Medway. We have won many competitions and our students compete with passion, conviction and dedication to participate and win! This positive and driven approach has led to many successes and undoubtedly our moment of glory and triumph was when Chatham Grammar were awarded with Medway Sports Award finalists for Best Secondary School 2021-2022 and Secondary School Games District Athletics Champions 2024. We have also proudly been nominated The academy values the diversity of religious and spiritual beliefs, whether they are Christian, Islamic, Humanist, Agnostic or Atheist understandings of existence. The academy provides an education underpinned by respect for the Earth and all people. This includes the discussion of religious, moral, spiritual and ethical issues to encourage participation of all students from all backgrounds and faiths. Religious Studies, where taught, is based on the Medway Agreed Syllabus. again this year for the 2023-2024 Best Secondary School award. Assembly, Collective Worship for Religious Education
Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Studies and should inform the Principal in writing with reasons based on religious grounds. The academy also has links with the local churches and has celebrated seasonal
events such as carol concerts. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
It is academy policy that relationship and sex education is provided for all students, and that it is taught in such a manner as to encourage students to have due regard to the moral considerations and value of family life. The context and teaching is appropriate to the maturity of the students concerned and acknowledges the need to provide sound advice about personal relationships including sexual matters. Discussion is balanced and objective. The academy is ready to discuss fully and sensitively with parents/carers any particular concerns they may have and will make available to them any teaching materials being used so that they may peruse them.
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