Brompton Academy Additional Information
LEARNING The curriculum offer at the Academy reflects the ethos of equal opportunities for all and the belief that life and work in this century will require individuals with a range of skills, which they can transfer from one job to another. We are preparing students for eventual employment and continual learning. All students are taught the essentials for success in adult life. These include skills in learning, communication, literacy, numeracy, mindfulness, thinking skills, problem solving, personal effectiveness, self-discipline and collaborative (team) and independent skills. We aim to engage student’s curiosity and imbue in them a love for learning rather than for just passing exams. The development of students’ emotional skills and ability to communicate effectively is also a key focus for the Academy and the introduction of mindfulness has been pivotal in developing our students mental and emotional wellbeing. Careers education is central to the development of the whole child and preparing them for their future aspirations. A rigorous and engaging careers provision is provided from year 7 onwards, allowing students to understand their aspirations and possible career paths. All students have access to a tutor and have the opportunity to study our bespoke personal, social, health and economic education which focuses them on developing the whole person, so that they can enter adulthood with confidence and aspiration.
THE CURRICULUM The Curriculum is delivered through Phases of Learning. New students from primary school enter Key Stage 3 – the Transitions Phase, where they stay for three years. After completing their studies in Key Stage 3 they move into Key Stage 4 where they embark on GCSE and BTEC level 2 courses. The majority of students enter Key Stage 5 and join the UKAT Sixth Form where they begin A-Level and BTEC Level 3 qualifications. All students follow a core curriculum consisting of English, Maths, Science, Geography, History and Spanish. These subjects are set by ability. The remaining subjects are largely taught within similar ability band groups. These qualifications could be GCSEs, Advanced level qualifications or BTECs. The Academy has extensive suites of iMacs and the majority of classrooms have Apple TV making the delivery of lessons exciting and motivating. All students are offered an iPad through the very affordable loan scheme unique to UKAT. Learning becomes limitless, boundless as mobile devices enable learning to become truly interactive on many different technological levels.
LEARNING IN THE UKAT SIXTH FORM Key Stage 5 education at Brompton Academy is progressive and forward thinking and enables students to build on their level 2 GCSE and BTEC successes. The UKAT Sixth Form offers a broad and exciting range of learning pathways for students to progress to level 3 courses. The unique UKAT offer connects our post 16 students with a wide range of university programmes and undergraduate facilities based at the Medway Universities campus. This ground breaking partnership with the University of Kent enables the Academy to offer exclusive and bespoke opportunities to engage with Higher Education, unlike any other provider. Curriculum input by the University of Kent lecturers and undergraduates, along with study skill support and unparalleled access to the University of Kent facilities means that Academy students’ gain an exclusive insight into the world of Higher Education. Through our innovative careers services we also promote and encourage students to consider the world of work and pursue dynamic employment pathways in the ever changing world of work.
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