Brompton Academy Parent/Carer Directory

| Brompton Academy

01634 852341, and by letter upon their return (see Absence). Soccer Elite Football Academy: The Soccer Elite Football Academy is available to school leavers looking to advance into the UKAT Sixth Form. Prospective candidates are required to play football to a good standard and have a passion to improve and build essential skills both within the game and academically. The programme offers many different A level and BTEC courses within the UKAT Sixth Form options booklet which students are able to choose from. Students will get the opportunity to train three times a week from FA qualified professional coaches experiencing life as a footballer. Students will also represent The Soccer Elite Football Academy in Kent Schools Football Competitions. Smoking (includes e-cigarettes): This is illegal on the Academy site. This applies to all staff, students, parents/carers and visitors to the Academy (see No Smoking). Snow: Closures due to snow will be notified via the Academy’s website at: We will also endeavour to send you a text message or email so please ensure we have your up to date mobile number and email address. We will always do all we can to keep the Academy open. Directory A-Z

Social Media: We use social media to promote and inform our parents/carers about student and Academy activities. You can find our social media platforms on the home page of our Brompton Academy website. Please follow us to keep updated on our news and events. Special Educational Needs: If you are worried about your child’s progress, please contact the SENCO. Sports Day: An annual event held in Term 6. Student Voice: These are voluntary groups of students that represent their Academy. The Student Voice looks at how they can develop the Academy for the needs and interests of the students. Student Pass: If a student needs to leave the Academy during the day to attend the dentist or doctor (or any other reasons supported by a parent/carer note) they must obtain a Student Pass from the Attendance Team. They should carry this with them when attending appointments to show the Police or Educational Welfare Officer who may well be undertaking truancy sweeps in the area.

Suspension: Although this happens rarely, if a student has been continually disruptive, sworn at a member of staff, initiated a fight, bullied others or made offensive sexist, racist, or homophobic comments or failed to follow the Academy Code of Conduct then the following actions will apply: they may be suspended for a number of days (FTS), or sent to our Exclusion Centre (EC) or the Exclusion Room (ER). Continued disruption or an unprovoked and vicious assault on another member of the Academy may lead to a permanent exclusion. Parents/ carers will be informed. Please note students who misbehave on the way to and from the Academy will also be subject to the Academy’s Disciplinary procedures and sanctions. Please refer to Brompton Academy’s Behaviour policy. Syllabuses/Schemes of Work: Relate to information about individual subject content and how learning is taught at the Academy. T Teams: Microsoft Teams is a platform available to all our UKAT students. We use Microsoft Teams to participate in remote lessons on student's iPads. We also use Teams to share lesson content and information between our staff and students.

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