CGC Ebook 5.0
Pharmaceutical Industry
Sector Outlook The UK is the 8th largest expor ter of medical products into a global market that is wor th $900 billion a year. The industry directly employs around 73,000 people in the UK and suppor ts a fur ther 200,000 in other services. A wide range of professionals including engineers, scientists, IT professionals, marketing managers, pharmacists, statisticians and medical representatives make up the team. The sector works closely with the NHS, academic institutions, research organisations, regulators and contracts work out to businesses such as marketing and legal firms. There are several different routes into the industry depending on your interests. You could apply for an apprenticeship in pharmaceutical services or enter as lab technician with a Science A level or a degree. For more professional roles you may need master or a PhD in a related field. The core skills for research roles are methodical, analytical, able to handle data and communicate with others. The work requires a long term passion, so enjoying the science behind things and liking being at the forefront of medical technology will sustain your interest in this kind of career. Jobs exist in research, manufacturing, supply and suppor t roles with many of the large companies offering apprenticeship, internships and graduate programmes. Gaining work experience or industrial placement can provide vital experience to securing work. Vacancies exist with companies such as Pfizer, GSK, AstraZeneca, with the NHS or via recruitment websites. For more in depth exploration of the many roles in the industry take a look at
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