CGC Ebook 5.0

The Photo Imaging Sector

Sector Outlook There are around 14,000 companies working in the photo imaging sector across the UK with 50% of these being sole trading or freelance photographers. Around 35% of people work for retail, processing laboratories or for image production companies and the rest work for picture libraries, manufacturers or in suppor t services. The work force is just 43,000 people and is a tiny fraction of the UK employment just 0.1%. Most businesses are small, with 90% employing between 1-5 people. 47% of the industry is based in the London and the Southeast with demand for photographic services coming from media, marketing, adver tising, print and publishing companies. Oppor tunities are rare in the industry so building a network of contacts and looking for internships and work experience oppor tunities is essential. You could get in by landing an apprenticeship in photo imaging or creative media. This would comprise work and on-going training at college. Building a por tfolio of your own work as well as being able to manipulate digital media is an impor tant step in having the foundation skills the industry needs. Options to study techniques and process exist at GCSE, A level and for fur ther advancement; degree courses in media, photography, ar t and design, graphic design may suppor t you getting in. The work is varied and for early entrants you could find yourself working as a studio assistant, freelancing with a wedding photographer, suppor ting an automotive shoot or doing proper ty photography. Having stamina, ability to understand a client’s needs, and organising your work to meet tight deadlines are impor tant skills. Jobs can be sourced through your network of contacts or online with websites such as, the Association of Photographers or British Journal of Photography.

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