CGC Ebook 5.0
What kind of person do I need to be? Having an interest in theatre, plays or acting is a given. If you have had ever wanted to act, build a set or manage stage lighting, this course will give you the oppor tunity to take that interest fur ther. Drama naturally attracts extrover ts who love to per form and are comfor table on the stage. However that doesn’t exclude more introver ted students who could develop their presentation skills, overcome their shyness or learn more about production roles in the ar ts. Drama Studies How do I get there? Drama students can do an A level in the subject after GCSE or focus more vocationally on a diploma course in performing ar ts or technical theatre. Alternatively, a few students opt to enter the work force in entry roles such as apprentice technician, stage hand or usher. There are a range of degree courses in acting, drama and theatre production if you wanted to continue in the subject. You could combine drama with other interests such as English, film or dance. Drama students typically find careers in theatre, education and the media. The skills learnt during your degree are also useful for jobs in business, marketing, hospitality and the leisure industry.
What skills will I learn? Drama studies will improve your confidence with people. You will discover the challenge of working in team through preparing and delivering a per formance. The course will encourage you to reflect on your own work, take positive criticism and analyse the contributions of others. There is both written work and practical exercises. You could find yourself improvising on a theme or writing a drama script. You will have to meet deadlines, organise your work and communicate your ideas with others. Drama can help you develop empathy for others as you examine the complexity of a par ticular character and bring that understanding into your per formance.
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