CGC Ebook 5.0
Cyber Security
Sector Outlook What do Sony Pictures, Inland Revenue, AOL, JP Morgan Chase and Ebay have in common? They have all experienced major security breaches of their data. Cyber security is a major concern to banks, business and governments as they seek to protect personal data, intelligence information and computer networks from hackers, espionage and cyber criminals. Cyber Crime costs UK business around £34 billion in security costs and lost revenue. The UK government Cyber Security Strategy of defend, deter and develop will see the state spend £ 2.6 billion to keep us all safe online. The sector has 50,000 staff working in over 1,800 security firms, who increased their recruitment by 13%. The industry in the UK is currently worth £ 10.1 billion and is overseen by GCHQ which provides technical authority on cyber security. The industry is growing rapidly with 20% of UK cyber business coming from abroad. The biggest sales come from the defence sectors followed by government and financial institutions which have the most demanding and complex security needs. New areas of growth in the industry are in cloud security and with medium to small businesses. The UK has a world class selection of knowledge and companies in the cyber security sector, such as: Deloitte, KPMG, QinetiQ, IBM, BAE Systems and Sophos. The range of jobs available is varied, from forensic computer investigation through to training in online safety. As a result, employers are looking for people from technical and non-technical backgrounds, who can show they have the potential to develop. Key qualities needed for those interested in the field include the ability to think outside of the box, being a natural cynic, and passion for complex problem solving. With 60% of business stating that demand for recruits is increasing, there is no better time to enter this sector. Degree entrants usually are qualified in IT, Cyber Security of Forensics and to increase your chances there are also MSc programmes available in Computer and Forensic Security. If you do not have a degree, employers may offer higher apprenticeships in cyber security allowing you valuable training and experience in the industry whilst getting paid. The key hubs for security careers include London, M4 corridor, Severn Valley and Hampshire although GCHQ are looking to develop 8 security clusters nationally.
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