CGSG Additional Information


Assessments All students are assessed throughout the year. Parent and carers receive three progress reports that detail the outcomes of these assessments. Homework In Year 7 students complete homework in several subjects with a timetable in place to ensure there is an even spread of homework assignments across the curriculum. Homework support clubs are available in the library at the end of the Academy day. Learning in the UKAT Sixth Form The UKAT Sixth Form is progressive, forward thinking, challenging and enables students to build on their Level 2 GCSE successes. Students are offered a broad and exciting range of learning pathways, where students achieve excellent Level 3 qualifications securing places at top Universities across the UK. The unique UKAT Sixth Form offer connects our post-16 students with a wide range of University programmes and undergraduate facilities, based at the Medway Universities campus. This groundbreaking partnership with the University of Kent enables the Academy to offer exclusive and bespoke

Technology is pivotal to our students’ learning but will never replace the value and importance of traditional learning methods at CGSG. Students engage in lessons through a variety of rich and varied mediums of teaching styles to ensure that communication skills both written and oral, are embedded as they remain crucial for life long learning. Learning can also be accessed via Edmodo, the Academy’s Virtual Learning Platform. This is especially important for home study assignments or if a child is unwell and unable to come into school, but well enough to work at home. Teaching Methods At the Academy, a range of teaching strategies are employed to ensure that all students are motivated to learn. Lessons are challenging and fast-paced so that students are stretched and reach their full potential. Staff engage in and lead regular training and development sessions, which enables us to be at the forefront of new educational theory and best practice to ensure that the methods we employ are the most effective for student progression. Students are also encouraged to be active leaders of learning, debating, expressing their views and opinions in an open but structured way.

opportunities to engage with Higher Education, unlike any other provider. Curriculum input by the University of Kent lecturers and undergraduates, along with study skill support and unparalleled access to the University of Kent facilities, means that Academy students gain an exclusive insight into the world of Higher Education. Through our innovative careers service, we also promote and encourage students to consider the world of work and pursue dynamic employment pathways in the ever-changing world of work. Careers Careers education takes time, but the end result can be thoroughly rewarding for every student. We regard student preparation for the world of work as a shared responsibility, helping each other to achieve mutual goals. This means we have our own CGSG Academy Careers Adviser who works closely with experts from the Medway Youth Trust and together we provide first class careers support for all students as they plan for their future. To find out more, students can use our extensive array of resources about their chosen career, or use it as an ‘ideas bank’ if they remain undecided and need some extra help in making one of their most important life decisions.

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