CGSG Additional Information

| Chatham Grammar School for Girls

Leadership Points and Rewards

Admissions The Academy is a selective school, admitting students who have been assessed as suitable for a grammar school in the Medway or Kent Test (11+). In September 2019 the Academy will offer 180 places for entry into Year 7. Students must reach the age of 11 during the year 1st September to 31st August immediately preceding entry to the Academy. Medway Children’s Services, via primary Headteachers, distribute relevant information and forms to parents/carers of Year 5 students in June. These forms should be returned to the primary school Headteacher. Parents/carers seeking a place at the Academy must register their child for the Medway or Kent Test (11+) at the end of Year 5 in order for them to sit the test at the beginning of Year 6, which is in early September, the year preceding entry. If there are more applicants than the number of places available, then the places will be allocated according to the following criteria: 1. Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) students and those children in public care.

The Academy believes in celebrating and promoting positive achievements for all students. Students are awarded leadership points for success in the following areas: Points are allocated by staff and are recorded in their planners. Anti-bullying Bullying is defined as the wilful and conscious desire to hurt, threaten or frighten another person. It includes physical assault, derogatory name-calling, insults, graffiti, threatening others, inciting others to bully and theft of or threatening to steal property. Bullying is neither condoned nor overlooked. Parents and carers, staff and governors are all active participants in the maintenance of a harmonious environment. Everyone has the right to work and move around the Academy, feeling safe in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Students are encouraged to report any incidents of bullying and we aim to equip them with the skills and confidence to do this. A range of procedures relating to both victim and offender have been developed. The Academy promotes mediation as a way forward in resolving issues between students. Anyone can report bullying by speaking to their Personal Tutor, or by emailing refernow@chathamgirlsgrammar.medway.

The Academy seeks to value the work of all students and to praise and reward them wherever possible. This helps to raise self-esteem and motivate students. Students in Years 7 and 8 receive leadership points throughout the year. These are gained by demonstrating the application of one or more of the 7 learning habits throughout their learning at the Academy (core principles of the Leadership Development Programme). Leadership points can be accrued through class work, academic achievement, attendance, progress and attainment, participation in clubs, community service, positive representation through participating in key roles such as Safety Ambassadors, and membership of the Student Voice. Leadership points translate into Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates. There are also prestigious awards for those with the most leadership points, including Leader in Me certificates presented by the University of Kent in a leadership awards ceremony and the possibility of events such as breakfast with the Principal. Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 gain merit cards and these translate into rewards at the end of the year, including trips.

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