Fulston Manor GCSE Options Brochure



English Examination Board: WJEC Eduqas English Language and English Literature Qualifications: Two Level 2 GCSEs


Component 2: Written examination, 2 hours (60% of qualification).

Section A - Reading (30%): Understanding of two extracts (900-1200 words) of high-quality non-fiction writing, one from the 19th century and the other from the 21st century, assessed through a range of structured questions. Section B - Writing (30%): two compulsory transactional/persuasive writing tasks.

In addition, there will be an oral assessment. The assessment aims to allow students to demonstrate their speaking and listening skills by:

Giving a presentation in a formal context Responding appropriately to questions and to feedback, asking questions themselves to elicit clarification Using spoken Standard English.

The assessment will be separately endorsed.

English Literature

All assessments are closed book; any stimulus materials required will be provided as part of the assessment.

Component 1: Written examination, 2 hours (40% of qualification).

Section A - Shakespeare (20%): One extract question and one essay question based on the reading of a Shakespeare text. Section B - Poetry from 1789 to the present day (20%): Two questions based on poems from the WJEC Eduqas Poetry Anthology, one of which involves comparison.

Component 2: Written examination, 2 hours and 30 minutes (60% of qualification).

Section A - Post 1914 Prose/Drama (20%): One source-based question on a post-1914 pose/drama text. Section B - 19th Century Prose (20%): One sources-based question on a 19th century prose text. Section C - Unseen Poetry from the 20th/21st Century (20%): Two questions on unseen poems, one of which involves comparison.

Entry requirements

There are no additional entry requirements for this course.

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