Fulston Manor GCSE Options Brochure



Combined Science Examination Board: AQA | Award Code: 8464 Qualifications: Two Level 2 GCSEs


Aims of this course

Science is a core subject; consequently, all students will study Science in one form or another. It helps to develop a critical approach to scientific evidence and methods as well as providing lifelong scientific literacy. All students who do not opt for Triple Award Science (three separate sciences) will study Combined Science, gaining two GCSEs (a double combined grade) as a consequence. This means that the grade you receive will be an average of the three subjects, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Course structure and content

Students will be taught a variety of Biology, Chemistry and Physics modules in accordance with the AQA specification. This will be taught by specialist teachers. In Biology, students will study life from the smallest units of life, cells, and understand how they come together to work as tissues, organs and organ systems. They will look specifically at the digestive, respiratory, nervous and endocrine systems as well as how the body maintains its environment and responds to stimuli. In Chemistry students will study the atomic structure and the elements of the periodic table. How this knowledge then builds to an understanding of chemical reactions and the energy changes that occur. Students will also study the chemistry of our atmosphere and our planets natural resources. In Physics, students will study the particle model of matter and apply that knowledge to energy, electricity, forces and waves. Students will investigate the link between magnetism and electricity and how it can be used.


All examinations will be at the end of Year 11 - six papers, each with 70 marks, lasting for 1 hour and 15 minutes:

Two Biology Two Chemistry Two Physics

Students will also complete 21 required practical’s over the duration of the course. These are examined in examinations at the end of Year 11.

Entry requirements

There are no additional entry requirements for this course.

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