Fulston Manor GCSE Options Brochure
Photography Examination Board: AQA | Award Code: 8206 Qualification: Level 2 GCSE
Why take this course? Photography is a dynamic and versatile medium that offers endless opportunities for creative expression. This course is designed to inspire you to see the world differently and think innovatively. The skills you develop in creativity, analytical reasoning, and critical thinking will not only enhance your photographic work but will also enrich your learning in other subjects. Through this course, you will: Explore the works of influential photographers, developing your critical analysis and generating your own ideas, Learn to document your work effectively by creating a professional digital e-Portfolio, gain hands-on experience using SLR cameras, mastering settings, and techniques to produce compelling images,develop a solid foundation for progression into A-level Photography or related creative fields. Aims of this course This course aims to broaden your understanding of various photographic techniques and processes, from traditional Course structure and content Students will engage with a range of photographic disciplines, including: Portraiture e Location Photography, Studio Photography, Experimental Imagery, Documentary Photography, Moving Image (Video and Animation), Fashion Photography, Darkroom Techniques, Photoshop Manipulation. Assessment The course consists of two key components: Component 1 : Portfolio (60% of final grade). Create a portfolio that includes a sustained project, showcasing your journey from initial ideas to final outcomes, alongside a selection of additional work completed during the course. Component 2 : Externally Set Assignment (40% of final grade). Starting in January of the examination year, students will respond to a chosen theme from an externally set paper. After a preparation period, students will complete 10 hours of supervised, unaided work to realise their creative intentions. For both components, students will document their ideas, observations, and insights using visual and written annotations, using appropriate specialist vocabulary. darkroom methods to cutting-edge digital tools. You will: Learn to select and record visual information effectively. Experiment with materials, techniques, and ideas to develop your personal style. Gain insight into the role of art and design in everyday life.
Entry requirements A genuine passion for photography, a commitment to independent research and homework, and regular participation in Photography workshops are essential for success in this course.
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