Fulston Manor Sixth Form A Level Brochure



Exam Board: Edexcel

Why take this course?

History at A level is interesting, engaging and enjoyable. Studying History opens up a number of opportunities, both in terms of further education and career pathways. The subject is an excellent springboard for further study at university or college. It will prepare you for all arts, social science and business study courses, obviously including History but also English, Law, Sociology to name a few. You will find people with A level History in many different jobs. It is recognised for entry into careers such as teaching, museum work, journalism, the civil service, banking, administration and trainee management posts. A history qualification is so widely accepted because it shows you are able to think clearly, understand information and ideas, and explain things both orally and in writing. Studying this A level at Fulston Manor School offers you the unique opportunity of investigating a wide breadth of history.

Aims of this course:

To develop an understanding of key events, people and themes at a foundational time in our history, and develop a wide range of skills including communication, analysis, evaluation, independent thinking and learning.

Course structure and content:

Unit 1: The Crusades, c1095-1204 Unit 2: England and the Angevin Empire in the reign of Henry II, 1154-89 Unit 3: The Witch Craze in Britain, Europe and North America, c1580-1750 Unity 4: Coursework on the Civil Rights Movement in America


Units 1-3 are assessed by external assessment (examination) at the end of Year 13. Coursework is both taught and independently researched in Year 13. Coursework is worth 20% and is a 3000-4000 word essay.

Entry Requirements:

To be accepted on the A level course students should have at least 5 GCSEs at grades 9-4 (or equivalent), with a minimum of a grade 4 in GCSE History. Students who have not studied GCSE History may still do the course but discussion with the Head of Department will be needed prior to being accepted. It is highly recommended that the student has a strong background in essay writing.

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