Brompton Academy Parent/Carer Directory

| Brompton Academy

Policy for Media Images Photographs and media images for Brompton Academy and family use are a source of innocent pleasure and pride, which can enhance the self-esteem of young people and their families. Parents/ carers are not required to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 when taking photographs for their own private use of their children at an organised event. Parents/carers should not be stopped from taking photographs for their own private use because of concerns relating to the contravention of the Data Protection Act. However, we must always be mindful of the need to safeguard the welfare of young people in our Academy, particularly around issues of child protection and data protection. This policy will apply to all forms of publications, print, film, video, DVD, digital, social media and in the professional media. Consent forms • On joining the Academy all parents/carers will be asked to sign a consent form to gain specific permission to publish photographs in public places (including websites, social media and publications). • Consent can be withdrawn at any time; however, the onus is on parents/carers to inform the Academy in writing if there

stand in order to minimise disruption to the activity. • Parents/carers must not photograph or film young people changing for performances or events. • Only images of young people suitably dressed will be allowed, to reduce the risk of images being used inappropriately. Special consideration will be given to photographs taken during PE (Sports Day), swimming and Performing Arts. • If you are accompanied or represented by people that Academy staff do not recognise, they may need to check who they are, if they are using a camera or video recorder. • Remember, images taken on mobile phones have the same rules applied as for any other photography. You should recognise that any pictures taken are for personal use only. Young people who should not be identified Every effort will be made by the Academy to prevent capturing of the image of any young person who should not be identified. Parents/carers should ensure their children and the Academy are informed if they should not be photographed, and students must act to make any photographer aware of this. Please use your camera and video courteously.

is any need to alter consent, e.g. for reasons of child protection. Generally, photographs and film for Brompton Academy and family use are a source of innocent pleasure and pride, which can make young people and their families feel good about themselves. By following some simple guidelines, we can proceed safely regarding the law. • Remember that parents/carers and others attend Brompton Academy events at the invitation of the Principal and Trustees. • The Principal and Trustees have the responsibility to decide if photography and filming of Academy performances is permitted. • The Principal and Trustees have the responsibility to decide the conditions that will apply so that young people are kept safe, and that the performance is not disrupted, and young people and staff are not distracted. • Parents/carers can use photographs and films taken at an Academy event for their own personal use only. Such photos and videos must not be sold and must not be put on the web/internet/ social media. To do so would likely break Data Protection legislation. • Parents/carers must follow guidance from staff as to when photography and filming is permitted and where to

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