CG Parent / Carer Directory


automated text messaging service to alert parents/ carers to a student’s absence. The academy also imposes Penalty Notices for Persistent Absence and Unauthorised Holidays. The first time a Penalty Notice is issued for Term Time Leave or Irregular Attendance the amount will be £160 per parent per child, if paid within 28 days reduced to £80 per parent, per child, if paid within 21 days. Failure to Pay the fine will result in a court prosecution for your child’s non-school attendance. B Bicycles: Students are allowed to bring roadworthy bicycles to the academy, but they must be secured with a strong padlock. Please note that cycle helmets must be worn at all times when students are cycling to and from the academy. The academy does not accept responsibility for any bicycles that go missing or are stolen. Breaktimes: Students have a daily 15-minute morning break and a flexi 30/35 minute lunch break (see Lime Lounge). C Careers: The academy has a Careers Advisor based in the Careers hub who can provide extensive careers

information, advice and guidance which is supported by an external provider. Cashless Catering: The academy offers a cashless catering system where students can purchase food without the burden of carrying cash. Parents/carers can credit student accounts via the internet or through cash loading machines based on site at the academy. CCF: The CCF is the Combined Cadets Force and it is a young person's movement sponsored by Her Majesty’s Armed Forces. The CCF provides positive and challenging opportunities for our young people at Chatham Grammar and encourages the development of leadership skills, self-reliance, self-esteem, personal responsibility, resourcefulness, endurance, perseverance and a sense of service to the community. Students can join the CCF from Year 9 onwards and become Cadets. CCF is part of the clubs programme and training is after school from 3pm-4.45pm. CCTV (where installed): CCTV will be operated in accordance with the principles of GDPR law and UKAT CCTV Policy. Clubs: All students are offered an enrichment programme of after school clubs. Sessions include a range of activities to develop and extend students’ interests and experiences,

e.g. talented and elite master classes, enrichment activities and support activities. The programme changes regularly throughout the year, allowing students to experience a range of activities to widen their horizons and enhance their cultural experiences. Students in Years 9 and above are also able to enjoy activities such as the Combined Cadets Force (CCF) and the Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE). Code of Conduct: The academy has a Code of Conduct, which all students are asked to abide by. These are sensible guidelines to ensure learning takes place. Complaints: If you have any problems, please telephone or email your child’s Personal Tutor (see Appointments) or follow the academy Complaints procedure available from Reception or via the website. Consultation Evenings: The academy holds consultation evenings for each year group, where parents/carers can speak to staff about their child’s progress. These consultation evenings will be held in person or delivered online. Counselling: The academy may make referrals to counsellors and other trained members of staff who can help students who are in need of additional support through a variety of different

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