CG Parent / Carer Directory

| Chatham Grammar

I Illness: If a student is taken ill at the academy during the day, they must report to the Attendance Team (see Accidents, Emergencies and Hospital). Internet: The academy is connected to the Internet and students can use the Internet providing you, as parents/ carers, sign the Internet/email user agreement and parental permission form. The Internet is extremely useful for students to research topics. The iPad: All students are allocated an iPad through the very affordable loan scheme that is offered to all parents/ carers. There is financial assistance offered to those families in need of financial support. Please contact the Director of Business and Finance if you would like to discuss this further. J Jewellery: Only a watch is allowed – no other jewellery. The academy will send home any students who persistently challenge the academy rules on uniform, jewellery, piercings and hairstyles. Directory A-Z academy has its own website,

L Lateness: Students should arrive at 8.20am and be on time for all lessons. If they are late without a legitimate reason, then a detention will be given (see Detention). Leadership Development Programme: The Leadership Development Programme aims to stretch students not just academically, but creatively and emotionally, too. Lessons take place once per week for all students in years 7 to 9 and the modules help students develop their self-belief and resilience, raise their aspirations and improve their problem-solving skills. Throughout the programme, students will also have multiple opportunities to enhance their public speaking and entrepreneurial skills. Ultimately, it is designed to support and enable them to mature into successful leaders of the future. Leadership Points: Students are awarded Leadership points for demonstrating that they have developed the ‘Chatham Grammar Leadership Skills’. These skills are specifically linked to those outlined in the Leadership Development Programme above, however points can be earned across the curriculum whenever students demonstrate the skills. Points are awarded via our online reward system, ePraise. ePraise allows staff to

easily award Leadership Points in real time, and for students to easily check and visually track their points via an app on their iPad or by visiting the login page from any web-enabled device. Students can exchange their points in for physical prizes using the virtual prize store. Leadership points also count towards our House system so when students reach certain points’ thresholds, their Head of House will award them a certificate in recognition of their significant House contribution. Letters: Please send in a letter to explain your child’s absence after illness (see Absence). Please also ensure letters from the academy are read and any replies made (see Forms). Facilities for Hire: Businesses, community groups and interest clubs can hire areas of the Academy premises and facilities. Please visit our dedicated Facilities for Hire page on the Brompton Academy website for further information on our facilities. LGBTQ+: The LGBTQ+ support group is an optional group, meeting weekly. The group provides opportunities for students to meet other students with shared life experiences and shared identities, creating a safe and supportive space to make friends and to share how they are feeling.

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