CG Parent / Carer Directory

| Chatham Grammar

Home-Academy Partnership Agreement In the spirit of mutual support and co-operation for the benefit of all:

Student agrees to:

• Attend the academy regularly, on site by 8.20am and in full academy uniform at all times. • Respect the academy and other students’ property and possessions. • Complete all learning activities in lessons and at home. • Comply with instructions the first time of asking, at all times.

• Abide by the student Code of Conduct and policies. • Accept responsibility for learning and behaviour. • Behave responsibly and respectfully whilst wearing the academy uniform. This includes the journey to and from the academy. • Participate in community activities voluntarily or if asked.

Parent /carer agrees to:

• Attend parent/child academy consultation evenings. • Support our academy policies. • Inform the academy of any change of details or circumstances ASAP. • Support the academy with any behaviour sanctions and our commitment to maintaining a happy and safe learning environment.

• Encourage and support their child in all that they do. • Ensure that their child attends regularly. • Ensure that their child comes to the academy in full uniform or business dress for the UKAT Sixth Form with the right equipment and complies with the academy’s Code of Conduct and academy policies. • Inform the academy Attendance office immediately of absence from the academy or of any problems that might affect the child.

Academy agrees to:

• Encourage students in all that they do. • Deal with any bullying effectively and speedily using the academy’s policy. • Create an environment where all students can feel safe and happy. • Ensure equality of opportunity and treatment for all.

• Provide challenging and motivating lessons. • Encourage parental/carer involvement at all times and be open and welcoming. • Ensure parents/carers receive prompt response to any issues they raise. • Raise concerns with parents/carers as soon as possible and keep parents informed.

We agree to abide by this agreement.

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