CG Parent / Carer Directory


All student medication requires a completed Request to Administer Prescribed Medication Form, which confirms details of the medication that is prescribed for the student and information regarding how the medication is to be administered. Request to Administer Prescribed Medication Form can be downloaded from the academy website, Student Medication or from the academy’s Reception. In the event that a student needs emergency treatment the academy will telephone the emergency services and will then telephone the contact person as provided by you in the priority order that you have given. If necessary a member of staff will accompany the student to hospital and remain until your arrival.

Please note that telephone permission will not be accepted. Request to Administer Prescribed Medication Form will be renewed throughout the academic year to ensure that any changes are picked up and medication is changed, updated or destroyed. If your child is taking regular prescribed medication or short-term medication, such as antibiotics (which are not expected to last more than one week), you will still need to complete the Request to Administer Prescribed Medication Form, as mentioned above. All student medication is based in the Student Hub at the academy. Students should collect their medication from

the Student Hub during the academy day. All medication must be in its original packaging with the original pharmacy label stating the child’s name, medication and dosage. Should a child need a Health Care Plan or have a Health Care Plan already in place, a meeting should be held with Health and First Aid Lead to confirm the details of the plan, a copy of which should be made available to the academy. Please contact Reception regarding any questions or concerns around student medication by telephoning 01634 851262 and they will forward you on to the Health and First Aid Lead.

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