Fulston Manor GCSE Options Brochure
1) Introduction 2) What Happens Next? 3) Our Key Stage 4 Curriculum 4) Curriculum Overview
22) Citizenship 23) Computer Science 24) Creative iMedia
25) Dance 26) Drama 27) Food Preparation and Nutrition 28) French 29) Health and Social Care 30) Music 31) Photography 32) Psychology 33) Religious Studies 34) Spanish 35) Sport 36) Textiles 37) Three-dimensional Design 38) Triple Science
Core Curriculum Subjects:
8) English 10) Mathematics 11) Combined Science 12) Games 13) Personal Development Curriculum
Option Group A:
15) History 17) Geography
39) FAQs 41) Contact Us
Option Group B:
20) Art and Design 21) Business Studies
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