Fulston Manor GCSE Options Brochure



This booklet is designed to give parents, carers and students some basic information about the curriculum that is available in Key Stage 4.

All students will be studying our Core Curriculum which is comprised of five compulsory subjects . The remainder of the timetable will consist of subjects chosen from the two option blocks. These blocks consist of a range of subjects that allow students to gain qualifications at GCSE level. Our curriculum offer is broad and balanced, reflecting the requirements of the National Curriculum. To maintain this broad and balanced curriculum, students are expected to choose four subjects from two groups of options: Option Group A and Option Group B. The subjects in Option Group A are part of the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), along with French and Spanish, which are included within Option Group B. We strongly encourage students to choose one of the language options (French or Spanish).

One subject should be chosen from Option Group A (History or Geography) . The remaining three subjects should be chosen from Option Group B . When entering these three options, you will

be asked to rank them in order of importance to you. Finally, you will be asked to select two reserve subjects .

Overall, four choices should be made, plus two reserves. The ranking is important and will be used as a selection tool if a subject is over-subscribed.

If your child received a scholarship place in Year 7, it is anticipated that they take either Sport or the Performing Arts subject related to the scholarship awarded, at GCSE level.

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