Fulston Manor GCSE Options Brochure
How does the options process work? Information is provided via our online booklet , the school website and the Year 9 Options Evening . Students complete an online option choices form to express an interest in the subjects they wish to take and prioritise them in order of preference. Data from the option choices form is used to generate the option blocks for the timetable. Any issues which have arisen at this stage, for example, clashes, are discussed with students and parents/carers. Final details on the individual options for students will be available at the end of Term 6. This will be communicated to you. It is anticipated that any students who were awarded either a Sports or Performing Arts Scholarship would take the appropriate subject at GCSE (e.g; Sport if awarded a Sports Scholarship). Does the English Baccalaureate still exist? Yes. The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is a recognition of students achieving a strong pass (5 or above) in five academic GCSEs, which include English Literature and English Language, Mathematics, at least two Sciences, History or Geography and a foreign language. What if my child came to Fulston on a scholarship place?
How many options can I take?
Students will have four option choices, one of which should be from Group A and the remainder from Group B, plus two reserve subjects.
How do you work out which option block a subject will be in?
Data from the completed option choices forms is used to generate the option blocks for the timetable. This is generated to produce as few clashes as possible.
What happens if there is a clash between two subjects I have chosen?
In the event of any clashes, an individual interview is arranged to discuss possible alternatives.
When do I need to return my options choices form?
The options choices form will be emailed to parents/carers on Wednesday, 12th February 2025 and must be submitted by Monday, 24th February 2025 at the latest. Can I change my mind about an option choice? Any changes to option choices must be received in writing by Friday, 20th June 2025 which is four weeks before the end of the summer term. As a school, we will do everything in our power to accommodate any changes. However, this becomes increasingly difficult the further into the process we are. It is most unlikely that any changes will be permitted after this date.
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