Fulston Manor Sixth Form Prospectus

Head of Sixth Form’s Welcome

have a dress code but you will no longer need to wear a school uniform.

It is an honour to welcome you to Fulston Manor Sixth Form. Our highly popular and oversubscribed sixth form offers a unique range and combination of courses, providing invaluable opportunities for students of all abilities and interests. We pride ourselves on providing a supportive and encouraging environment with a strong pastoral team and passionate and dedicated teaching staff. Our facilities are a wonderful addition to the sixth form experience and provide a dynamic learning environment for our students. We have a purpose-built Sixth Form Centre which boasts a common room, our Sixth Form Café, study zones, our school library and multiple classrooms with flexi-wall design allowing rooms to be opened up into fantastic open spaces for dynamic and engaging lessons and events. You take on a lot more responsibility for your learning in the sixth form, so these facilities greatly support and enhance your independent study time. Our staff-student relationships are different to that of lower year groups and have a sound balance between a strong work ethic and a relaxed and supportive focus. You are able to sign out during your independent study time and work elsewhere if you wish and of course we

We have over 25 subjects available for you to choose from so make sure you take time to look into each option that interests you. It is so important that you choose a subject that you are inspired by, and are picking your placement and your course subjects, for the right reasons. studied your GCSEs can be a familiar and supportive environment but for some, a change can be beneficial so consider all options carefully. Please make sure you discuss your thoughts with friends, family and teachers but at the end of the day, pick what is right for you. Choosing to stay in a school setting, particularly the one where you have Fulston Manor Sixth Form is seen not only as an opportunity for academic enhancement, but also as an environment in which young adults can develop the personal qualities necessary to succeed in society. Every student is seen as an individual and valued as such, being given the chance to increase in self-confidence and interpersonal skills whilst achieving the best possible qualifications.

Mrs G Davies Head of Sixth Form

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