Fulston Manor Sixth Form Prospectus

Sixth Form Life

Our whole-school motto is everybody matters, everybody succeeds, everybody helps . This underpins everything that we do at Fulston Manor Sixth Form too, and is richly embedded in the day-to-day life and culture of our students, staff and visitors. We create a fantastic learning environment allowing students to thrive not just academically, but as kind, mindful and well-rounded young citizens ready to face the challenges of the 21st century world.

What are we looking for in you?

We are a welcoming school that operates as a family. Upon joining us, you too are joining the Fulston Family and are expected to embody all that this entails. We are looking for you to show a passion for your studies and academic enrichment and to immerse yourself in the full sixth form experience and make the most of the wonderful opportunities available to you. We have a wide range of subject choices available, but in addition to this we want to guide and support you into to becoming the young adult you want to be. Our extra-curricular activities are plentiful and are carefully designed and planned to enrich your cultural capital and go hand-in-hand with your academic studies. A huge part of sixth form life are our social events. We have a jam-packed calendar including our Christmas Party and annual Sixth Form Stay-awake. Our students help to raise thousands of pounds for charity each year and it is perhaps of this, that we are most proud.

We have a dedicated Study Zone with computers and quiet spaces to work and study as well as our Sixth Form Common Room, a space to relax and spend time with your friends outside of lesson time. Our Sixth Form Cafe’ is also located in our Common Room and is popular amongst students and staff alike. In short, we want you to embrace sixth form life and take full advantage of your time with us. Graduating school and entering sixth form is a huge step in your education journey and one that you should be excited about.

Our fantastic facilities go a long way in supporting our mission to support you too.

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