CG Parent / Carer Directory


Responsibilities Everyone in our academy is expected to show respect for other people. Outcomes Strategies to reduce bullying: • Refernow. • Support group approach. • PSHE programme. • Use of a therapist where appropriate. • Assemblies. Single Equalities This mini version summarises the detail of Chatham Grammar’s Single Equalities policy and does not replace the full academy policy; it is a concise version. Please refer to the full policy for details – this is available on the academy website and from Reception. The full policy can be found at What is Equality? Equality is about promoting equal opportunity for all our students and nurturing good relationships between individuals and groups, ensuring discrimination is challenged wherever it occurs. CG aims to educate every student to value each other's worth regardless of

• The academy use a range of interventions and sanctions to stop bullying.

race, culture, social background, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or disability. We promote equality through: • Valuing every individual. • Recognising the differences and diversity within our community and the tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. • Promoting a caring academy based on understanding, compassion, mutual respect and fundamental British values; including democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty. • Opposing and challenging discrimination in any form. • Stating that no individual has the right to harass, insult or cause offence to anyone else. • Protecting vulnerable individuals from being radicalised or exposed to extremist views. How will we challenge discrimination? • Ensure our teaching methods and resources recognise diversity and differences. • Ensure that all students understand the dangers of radicalisation and exposure to extremist views, building resilience against these and knowing what to do if they experience them. • Celebrate diversity within our academy and local community.

• The academy curriculum programmes allow students to discuss bullying and how to prevent it and deal with it. • The academy ensures communication with victims, their parents/carers and the perpetrator(s), is clear and speedy. Expectations All staff and students should be aware of the Anti-Bullying policy within the academy and how it aids and supports victims of bullying. Any student experiencing bullying (including cyber bullying) should be confident in how to seek support through peer mentors, teachers, support staff and senior staff. Any student involved in bullying or any peer on peer abuse should know the expectations placed upon them and have the opportunity initially to put right the mistake through the mediation system, but should recognise that persistent and wilful bullying may result in permanent exclusion. Everyone at Chatham Grammar has a responsibility to prevent bullying of any kind.

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